MRP-2001 Gagemaker
Crest Diameter and Ovality Gages – MRP®
   Thirty years ago, Gagemaker introduced the MRP® crest diameter and ovality gage which forever 

changed the industry. Today, the MRP® series of gages is the industry standard worldwide. Whether you call it Crest Diameter, Root Diameter, or Ball PD, Pitch Diameter governs the strength of the actual thread assembly and ensures API dimensional measurement specs are met. (Check out the new carbon fiber MRP AIR.)

The Gagemaker MRP® crest diameter gages measure the internal and external pitch diameters of tapered threaded connections. Any slight variations in diameter or ovality are immediately detected with these precision gages granting you total control over your quality. These versatile gages easily adjust to measure thread diameters ranging from 1½” – 20”. The ability to inspect a range of diameters with one gage, eliminates the need for a room full of ring or plug gages.

MRP® Crest Diameter and Ovality Gages

MRP-1000 Series Crest Diameter and Ovality Gages - 1” - 4½” Tubing
MRP-2000 Series Crest Diameter and Ovality Gages - 2⅜” - 20” Casing & Tubing
MRP-3000 Series Crest Diameter and Ovality Gages - 8⅝” - 24” Casing
MRP-1500/2500/3500 Series Crest Diameter and Ovality Gages- 1½” - 24” Premium Connections

MRP® Setting Standards

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